I am now a Ph.D. candidate at Shanghai Jiao Tong university, advised by Prof. Hongkai Xiong, Prof. Chenglin Li, and Prof. Wenrui Dai.
Ph.D. in Information and Communication Engineering Sep. 2017 - Present.
Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU), Shanghai, China.
Advisor: Prof. Hongkai Xiong (Yangtze River Scholar Distinguished Professor).B.Eng. in Communication Engineering Sep. 2013-Jul. 2017.
Northwestern Polytechnical University (NPU), Xi’an, Shaanxi, China Rank:1/68.
Excellent Graduate Award of Northwestern Polytechnical University.
- Graph signal processing.
- Graph neural networks.
- Graph representation learning.
- Point cloud processing.
- Traffic flow forecasting.
Accurate long-term traffic flow forecasting project, SJTU- Huawei 2019.
In this project, we collaborate with Huawei Coop. and helps them with some key problems related to their ongoing Intelligent Transportation System Project. I was an intern in Huawei, Hangzhou from March 2019 to September 2019, working on developing an effective long-term traffic forecasting model. During this project, I proposed a novel paradigm of Spatial Temporal Transformer Networks (STTNs) that can dynamically model long-range spatial-temporal dependencies, lead to more accurate long-term traffic forecasting. For more detail, please refer to Spatial-temporal transformer networks for traffic flow forecasting.
- Excellent Graduate Award of Northwestern Polytechnical University.
- China National Scholarship.
- Excellence Scholarship of Northwestern Polytechnical University.
- Meritorious Winner of Mathematical Contest in Modeling (MCM &ICM) 2016 Huawei Special Scholarship 2015 First Prize of China Robot Competition 2015 First Prize in Shaanxi’ Division of National Mathematical Contest in Modeling 2015.
- Reviewer for Signal Processing: TCSVT, TIP, Image Communication, Pattern Recognition, Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data, NeurIPS, ICIP, ICASSP.
- TA for Wavelets and Sparse Signal Processing in 2019.
- Volunteer for the 9th International Conference on Image and Graphics.